In the formative years of the e-cigarette market, the transition from tobacco has become a more socially acceptable solution. Whether they vape in order to gradually reduce nicotine consumption or as a long-term alternative, both raised the question: How Much Vaping is Equal to One Cigarette?
There is no accurate measurement behind cigarettes and e-cigarette comparison.
Nicotine delivery and absorption by the body is different along with how it is consumed according to research. We will give you the rundown about the difference between nicotine in cigarettes versus vaping, what e-liquid nicotine levels mean, and how to find the right nicotine level for you.
If you are new to vaping or have any specific questions, feel free to contact the Vapebox customer support.
The dosage of nicotine in e-liquid is almost always measured in Milligrams (MG). The current standard nic level in the vaping industry are 0mg, 3mg, 6mg, and 12mg. Heavy smokers usually use consume higher nicotine juices. There are also new variations of nicotine derived from salt nicotine, but we will get to that another time. These values represent the amount of nicotine in each 1 mL of e-liquid, and are sometimes expressed as a percentages.
What does this mean?
Using a high nicotine of 12mg as an example means there are 12mg of nicotine per 1ml of e-liquid. For a 12mg, 60ml bottle of e-juice, there is a total of 720 milligrams of nicotine per bottle (mg x ml).
Determining which amount of nicotine is best for you and your health is imperative. If you are unsure of which nicotine level is right for you, we highly recommend you to reach out to an experienced vaper or feel free to reach out to our customer support for assistance.
Even though these nicotine levels are available for publicly, it is still difficult to measure the exact consumption rate. Instead, a smoker should be aware of their smoking habits in order to track their consumption rate.
Everyone has different tolerance levels and too much can result in negative side effects, especially those who smoke a pack per day.
Tracking the nicotine consumption in traditional cigarettes is nearly impossible and can involve additional risks. On average, a cigarette contains about 1 gram of tobacco which is approximately 8mg of Nicotine. Typically the smoker will never absorb all of it's nicotine content because of a number of factors.
Nicotine levels in cigarettes vary by type or by brand pack. When smoking a cigarette, each smoker can have different amounts of nicotine intake depending on how he/she smokes it, how big of a puff he/she takes, or how long the cigarette is burning in between puffs.
Subsequently, tobacco also includes different mixtures of other chemicals. These other chemicals are a major factor in cigarettes and are blended uniquely depending on the different tobacco brands.
Cigarettes can range from 8mg-20mg but we often say it's closer to 8mg because it's impossible for the smoker to absorb all of the nicotine content.
Both alternatives are totally different compounds that will behave completely differently when inhaled. The molecule of smoke and the molecule of vape may have identical amounts of nicotine but the body will treat them differently. Smoke also has many other available chemical compounds that may assist the absorption process. Trying to compare the differences of nicotine intake is impractical.
Vape until you feel the nicotine buzz and trust your body's signals. The important part here is avoiding the toxins in traditional cigarettes.
Cigarettes contain more than 4,000 other chemicals and toxins, many of which are very harmful to our bodies including tar and carbon monoxide. As you can see, there is no accurate way to determine the nicotine consumption.
Ultimately, Vaping can be better for your health because of the simple components:
Selecting the right nicotine strength varies from smoker to smoker. Below is a broad guideline of the different nicotine levels compared to smoking cigarettes so you can get an idea of where to start. While using electronic cigarettes can absorb as much nicotine as traditional cigarette smoking, regular cigarettes contain way more harmful chemicals and toxins that are extremely unhealthy for you.
Looking for a supply of the nicotine level right for you? Vapebox provides monthly vape subscription plans for vapers of every experience level. Fill out a personalized palate test and Vapebox will create a custom box of vape juice.
Nicotine salts are a new trend in the vaping community in which the e-juices contain higher levels of nicotine. These juices can contain up to 50mg of nicotine per ml. While this sounds like a lot at first, these salt nic juices are only vaped on smaller powered weaker vape devices. Some people prefer salt nics as their nicotine replacement because they have a stronger throat hit that more closely resembles traditional cigs.
These devices vaporize juice at a much slower rate compared to standard vape juices. Total nicotine absorption will actually be very similar to a regular vaping setup when you factor in amount of juice consumed.
For example a 30ml 3mg e-juice contains 90mg of nicotine. A salt nic device like a juul have 1ml juul pods of 50mg salt nic juice. However you will burn through the 30ml e-juice at a faster rate than the 1ml salt nic juice because the 30ml e-juice is meant to be vaped on stronger sub-ohm devices. Alternatively, the 1ml salt nic juice will be vaped on a small vape pen and will burn juice much slower.
We sell tons of American nicotine salt juices as well as salt nic mods in our online store. There are tons of new nicotine products to choose from as your nicotine cigarettes alternative.
We encourage all cigarette smokers to make the switch to vaping. Tons of our customers use to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and are now new vapers that will never look back to traditional cigs. We also have a free subscription promotion for 2019 where members can receive their first box completely free.
If you are a pack a day smoker and are interested into switching to e-cigarettes for your nicotine absorption, please contact us and we will gladly help you get started and offer resources on how to quit smoking traditional tobacco products.
how many puffs of vapor equal one cigarette?
It's hard to say how many puffs equals 1ml of vape juice. This number depends greatly on the atomizer and mod setup. Sub-ohm setups at higher wattages produce more vapor and thus will burn through juice faster.
how much nicotine is in a vape hit?
It's easier to measure nicotine consumption in vape hits by ml. For a 6mg vape juice, You are vaping 6 milligrams of nicotine for each ml of juice you vape.
how much nicotine is in one cigarette?
There is roughly 8 mg of nicotine - 20 mg nicotine per tobacco cigarettes. However as the cigarette is burning, much of nicotine burns with it. Unless you are smoking the entire cigarette straight, you are probably not consuming the total amount. Even though you consume less nicotine with traditional cigs, you inhale a lot of unhealthy chemicals and tars which should be avoided.
3mg nicotine equals how many cigarettes?
If we are vaping a 30ml bottle of 3mg e-juice, there will be a total of 90mg of nicotine (30 x 3). We can assume a cigarette has around 8mg of nicotine. This means that roughly 12x cigarettes equals 1x 30ml 3mg bottle of e-juice. However, vaping an entire 30ml bottle of e-juice has no tar or chemicals that cigarettes contain.
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